Article V. Officers and Executive Committee
Section 1. Officers and Terms of Office
- There shall be five (5) officers of the Society, namely: President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and Historian. The term of office of the President, President- Elect, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer shall be one year. The term of office of the Historian shall be five years. All officers will take office on the first day of November, except that officers who are appointed or who ascend to fill a vacancy, as provided in section 3 of this article, shall assume office immediately upon such election or ascension.
- The President, President-Elect , Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer appointed or ascending to a full term cannot be re-elected to the same office in successive years. The Historian may be re-appointed to the same office as judged appropriate by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Nominating Committee & Election or Ascension of Officers
- In all years in which vacancies are scheduled to occur in the offices of the Society, the President shall, , select and appoint, with the consent of the Executive Committee, three (3) members to form a Special Committee to be known as the Nominating Committee. None of the members of such committee may be a member of the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee with be chaired by the third past president, i.e. the most recent past president other than the two immediate past presidents. At any other time that an unexpected vacancy occurs, which may not be filled by ascension of another officer, the President also shall appoint such a Nominating Committee.
- The Nominating Committee shall select appropriate nominees for all vacancies to be filled by appointment and, for scheduled vacancies; Nominations by members in good standing of the Society may be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to the Secretary/Treasurer by August 1st. At the conclusion of the one-year term of the President, the President-Elect shall ascend to the office of President. At the conclusion of the one-year term of the President-Elect, the Vice-President shall ascend to the office of the President-Elect. Upon the completion of the one-year term of the Secretary/Treasurer, he/she shall ascend to the office of Vice-President. At the conclusion of the two-year term of a Member at Large, he/she shall be eligible to be appointed to the office of Secretary/Treasurer. The person serving as Historian does not ascend to another office but is eligible for appointment to any office. Each of the foregoing expectations assumes that the member is, at such time, a member in good standing in a category of members eligible to hold office in the Society.
Section 3. Filling of Vacancies
- Upon any unexpected vacancy in the office of President, the President-Elect shall immediately ascend to the office of President for the unexpired portion of the one-year term. Upon an unexpected vacancy in the office of President-Elect (including a vacancy caused by the ascension of such officer to the office of President), the Vice-President shall immediately ascend to the office of President-Elect for the unexpired portion of the one-year term. Upon any unexpected vacancy in the office of Vice-President (including a vacancy caused by the ascension of such officer to the office of President-Elect), the Secretary/Treasurer will ascend to the office of Vice-President
- Except as provided in paragraph (A) of this section, the Executive Committee may hold a special election to fill any unexpected vacancy in any office of the Society upon the approval of the Executive Committee by a two-thirds vote. Special elections may be accomplished using electronic mail. The membership must be notified of the date and time that any special election is to be held, as determined by the Executive Committee; the slate of proposed candidates must be published to the membership at least two weeks in advance of a special election and additional nominations must be accepted in conformity with the procedure for general elections.
Section 4. Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee of the Society shall be comprised of the officers designated in Section 1 of this article, the two immediate past presidents, two Members-at Large appointed by the President, the Chair of the Section on Radiation Oncology and one other officer of the Section on Radiation Oncology designated by the Chair of that section. The President, in his/her discretion, may invite as an ad hoc non-voting member of the Executive Committee any number of Members or non-members of the Society.
- The Executive Committee shall have the authority to conduct and manage all business and affairs of the Society. It shall have the right, power and authority to exercise all such powers and perform such acts as may be exercised or done by the Society as a not-for-profit corporation, subject to the laws of the State of New York, the provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Society and these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall constitute and be deemed the Board of Directors of the Society for all purposes. As such, it shall not be deemed or limited to the powers of an executive committee as specified in Section 712 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. The Executive Committee shall establish policies concerning the expenditures of the funds of the Society and shall order the auditing of the books of the Secretary/Treasurer at least once each fiscal year, preferably before the annual meeting, and the audit report shall be submitted to the Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to investigate the qualifications of proposed members The Executive Committee shall select and designate the place of regular and special meetings of the membership. Five voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum of that committee for the transaction of any business.
- Unless a greater proportion of votes is fixed by a provision of these bylaws, the vote of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee having the right to vote and present at the time of the vote, if a quorum is present at such time, shall be the act of the Executive Committee
- Each Member-at-Large shall serve for a term of two years. One of the Members-at-Large should be a private practice radiologist when possible.
Section 5. Duties of Officers
- The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society, unless unavoidably prevented, and he/she shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Society. He/She or his/her designee shall perform all other duties that custom and parliamentary usage may require. He/she shall be an ex-officio voting member of all other committees of the Society, except the Nominating Committee. He/she shall appoint the members of all committees and chairs thereof, except committees and their chairs of the Section on Radiation Oncology.
- The President-Elect shall arrange the scientific programs of both the annual meeting and monthly meetings and is expected to support and assist the President in accomplishing the tasks of the Society.
- The Vice-President shall have no official duties during his/her year in this office but is expected to support and assist the President and the President-Elect in accomplishing the tasks of the Society.
- The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a record of the transactions of the Society and shall record and preserve the minutes of the proceedings of meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee. He/she shall notify all members of the time and place of the regular and special meetings of the Society. The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive all monies due the Society from the membership and other sources and shall supervise the disbursement of all such monies. He/she shall bank or accumulate or invest any surplus funds in accordance with the policies of the Executive Committee. He/she shall make a report of the funds of the Society at any regular meeting on request of the President.
5. The Members at Large shall have no official duties during his/her years in this office but is expected to support and assist the other officers in accomplishing the tasks of the Society.